EPA releases Statement of Performance Expectations 2020/21
EPA has published their latest Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE), setting out what they intend to do to advance their strategic goals of protecting people and the environment, delivering the right decisions, and strengthening trust in the EPA.
The SPE details their appropriations (funding set aside for specific purposes), what they aim to achieve within each of these and how performance will be measured, and related targets.This SPE complements the Statement of Intent 2019–2023 (SOI), which sets out their strategic intentions, identifying what the EPA aims to achieve for New Zealand. It signals a change of focus: while processing applications and related work remains important, they are placing more emphasis on compliance, monitoring and enforcement; and in strengthening their engagement with communities and stakeholders.Read the EPA Statement of Performance Expectations 2020/21 (pdf, 1.8 MB)Read the EPA Statement of Intent 2019-2023 (pdf, 1.4 MB)