RMA compliance guidelines concern Federated Farmers
Federated Farmers is in favour of ‘best practice’ guidelines on how councils exercise their duties under the Resource Management Act if they bring common sense and consistency to that role.
But there is concern the new guidelines miss opportunities for fairer outcomes.
The guidelines released by the Minister for the Environment are intended to assist councils in their compliance, monitoring and enforcement duties in promoting the sustainable management purpose of the RMA.
Richard Gardner, Federated Farmers senior policy advisor, says this is a very admirable purpose “because too often we find that councils are misusing their powers under the legislation, and managing compliance and enforcement matters inappropriately.
Federated Farmers finds fault with some of the guidelines and is disappointed that it had not been more involved in putting them together.
There is concern about the lack of differentiation in the guidelines between routine inspections and inspections that arise as the result of a complaint. Feds also sees faults in the way enforcement decisions are handled.
“We have long held the view that there should be a pecuniary penalty regime for ‘misdemeanour’ and accidental offences, with criminal prosecutions reserved for the worst, deliberate offences, and the current strict liability standard regarding those prosecutions removed,” Mr Gardner says.
The responsibility for criminal prosecutions should be removed from local authorities to the Police or the Environmental Protection Authority.
“Federated Farmers would welcome the opportunity to be more involved in the review of the RMA, and matters that are related to that, such as these guidelines,” he says.