New MOU for delivery of QP website
The RMLA has confirmed its ongoing partnership in the delivery of the Quality Planning website with the signing of a new MOU. The website was launched in 2001 to "promote best practice by sharing knowledge about all aspects of practice under the Resource Management Act".
The QP website partners are the Ministry for the Environment (MfE), Local Government New Zealand(LGNZ), New Zealand Planning Institute (NZPI), Resource Management Law Association (RMLA), New Zealand Institute of Surveyors (NZIS) and New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA).
Photo: Signing the MOU
Left – right. Rosemary Dixon for RMLA, Hadyn Smith for NZ Institute of Surveyors, Liz Moncrieff of MFE, Helen Mexted for LGNZ, Sarah Jenkin for NZPI